Coming Out To Myself In Quaker Community

As the members of Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting of Friends wrestled with leaving their former yearly meeting over, among other issues, the question of LGBTQ+ inclusion, Erin Wilson felt a strong personal investment in the matter. “I realized that I was getting very defensive about the way that LGBTQ+ folks were being treated,” she recalls. “It took several months for me to figure out, ‘Oh! It’s because I’m not straight.'”

Erin currently identifies as bisexual. “I’m still figuring out what exactly that means,” she says, and drawing upon her Quaker faith has been vital in that process. Take, for example, the testimony of equality: “If we’re all equal,” she asks, “why does one aspect of our identity matter?”

Erin Wilson’s story is included in the July 2023 Quakers Today podcast

Layla Cuthrell

Layla Cuthrell is QuakerSpeak's video producer.

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