How to Embed a QuakerSpeak Video on Your Website

san-francisco-quaker-meeting-quakerspeakYour Meeting’s website can be a great way to quickly and simply describe to seekers what the Quaker experience is all about.

QuakerSpeak videos are an easy way to create a deeper, more meaningful experience for visitors to your Meeting’s website. Here are a few examples of Meetings that are using our videos for this purpose:

How to Embed a QuakerSpeak Video

1. Embed a single video (Simple)

how-to-embed-a-youtube-videoWhen watching on YouTube, just look for the “Share” link beneath the video, then click “Embed.”  

Copy and paste the code into your site.

2. Embed our newest video (Advanced)

The following embed code will insert the latest video into your site, automatically updating every week when we publish a new one:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

(To customize this code for your own site. Visit this page and hit “share”, then “embed”, then “show more”)

3. More Help

Further reading on how to embed single YouTube videos and full playlists can be found at this link.