Professionally produced videos, tailored to your mission, designed for visibility.
You deserve a partner who knows how to make sure they do.
When we started QuakerSpeak in 2014, we knew we had a fundamental problem to solve:
We felt there was an audience for concise, well-told stories about Quakers…
…but how to reach them?
How could we cut through the noise of social media and reach the viewers who would be most interested in our content?
Our latest partnership video, in collaboration with Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas
Through building a smart social media strategy and a robust distribution network, we have helped 7 different Quaker organizations to tell their stories effectively with video.

One of our first partner videos, with FCNL now has over 10,000 views.
See more examples of partner videos.
We work with your organization to come up with a unique plan.
First we listen to your goals…
Then we develop a series of videos that combines what we’ve learned about online video production and marketing
…with the power of people.
“Our partnership in the video series QuakerSpeak has proven to be invaluable in reaching younger Friends and those seeking information about Friends on the Internet.”
-Shan Cretin, General Secretary,
American Friends Service Committee
“I especially appreciate the high quality of the video production and the wide distribution network – far beyond our capacity otherwise.”
-Robin Mohr, Executive Secretary,
Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas
“Working with QuakerSpeak strengthens and amplifies our work to encourage the present and future of the Quaker movement.”
-Noah Merrill, General Secretary,
New England Yearly Meeting
“I relish reading Friends Journal and watching QuakerSpeak to understand how Friends experience worship and how we practice our faith in action.”
-Diane Randall, General Secretary,
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Since we launched QuakerSpeak, we’ve accumulated over 2,000,000 video views and built a list of over 20,000 subscribers and followers. It has provided new energy to Friends Journal and to the organizations we’ve partnered with.
QuakerSpeak viewers are mostly clustered in the United States, Canada, and the UK.
QuakerSpeak reaches an age-diverse audience. About a quarter of our audience is between the ages of 25 and 34.
Our viewing audience skews male, which is atypical of Quaker publications.
If you want to harness the power of online video to tell the story of your Quaker organization to a hungry audience, let’s talk.
Fill out this form for a free consultation: