My Experience as a Young Adult Quaker

“Quakerism was always a very grounding space for me throughout my whole life,” says Calliope George, “but in college when I was away from my home community, I started to feel that longing for the space of home and stillness and reflection that Quakerism really brought.”

“This idea of constant conversation and queries and looking within and seeing good in other people and other things… I think my generation really appreciates that and in a lot of ways is searching for that,” Calliope says. “So I think continuing to be spaces where we uplift those challenging conversations and provide tools to have tough conversations is really, really important, now more than ever.”

2 thoughts on “My Experience as a Young Adult Quaker

  1. I attended Friends schools from kindergarten through college but never heard or read any description of what constituted Quakerism. Thank you for making that information available to me.
    Jim Lincoln

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