How Do Programmed Friends Worship?

Cherice Bock recently spoke with us about the programmed worship at North Valley Friends Church, and how the format differs from the “silent” sort of meeting most people associate with Quakers. One of the key differences is the inclusion of a prepared message by a member of the community—often, someone who is supported financially by the meeting in order to be able to dedicate themselves more fully to ministry.
“At surface level, it seems the opposite of Quakerism—Quakers, at the beginning, got rid of ‘hireling’ ministers,” Cherice acknowledges. “But at this point in history, if we do this well, I think it can be really meaningful to be able to, as a community, name that we see gifting in this person and that we see that God or Spirit is calling them to a particular ministry, and we want to support that ministry.”

2 thoughts on “How Do Programmed Friends Worship?

  1. Thank you. An excellent video that hopefully speaks to unprogrammed/contemplative Friends. Cherice’s language and description of Friends included many things that are common among unprogrammed Friends. I have longed for Friends to be open to different practices and branches among Friends. This was a great opportunity without having to travel a long distance!!

  2. THank you for the way you are reconnecting Quakers by having true and loving people like Cherice speak their truths so beautifully. I’m from an unprogrammed meeting but could understand all she was saying. I particularly feel the flowing of God’s love in song and when we sing together it brings us closer to one another and to the Wonder we live within.

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