What Quakers Do in Silent Worship

What are Quakers doing when they sit in silence on Sunday morning? These 7 Friends share their answers.

Jon Watts

Jon Watts launched and directed the QuakerSpeak project for its first 6 seasons. Keep up to date with Jon’s work at his website.

5 thoughts on “What Quakers Do in Silent Worship

  1. I am a conscious, African American female now elder who will always be eternally grateful for being educated at a Friends school that practiced Quaker values. My Quaker experience and being in Quaker meeting through my young years helped me to find peace and center the Christ in me. Those quiet times in the quaker community helped me to find and hold on to a peaceful centering that has been a strength in my life. Most importantly as a teacher in several large urban high schools, I saw the Christ in the most resistant, disengaged urban youth. I almost feel that I knew how to give the humanity back to someone who had been stripped of his full Christ self.

  2. I am a member of a black church that I dearly love. Yet I have always been fascinated by the Quaker way of worship. I am a introverted, serious, deep-thinking person, and so much about this worship calls to me, especially in our chaotic and busy lives.

  3. Three years at GFS were bliss for me as they were wonderful teachers and people. We went to meeting every Thursday for one hour . I could not sit in silence without getting around to my behavior , it was like meditation . I did not “fear” God, And now speak of Her as my guide.

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