What is a Quaker?

Most people are unfamiliar with the Quaker religion, or they confuse us for the guy on the Quaker Oats box. In this video, we ask 6 Friends what it means to be a practicing Quaker.

Jon Watts

Jon Watts launched and directed the QuakerSpeak project for its first 6 seasons. Keep up to date with Jon’s work at his website.

5 thoughts on “What is a Quaker?

  1. The background music to this week’s video made it hard for me to hear what was being said and its heavy bass was quite distracting. I am hearing impaired and use hearing aids in both ears but suspect other hearing impaired Ffriends may experience the same difficulty hearing what is said against ambient noise. I do enjoy these weekly videos and wish we had something similar here in the “old country”. Keep up the good work!

    1. Hi Noel!

      Thanks for the feedback, and we’re sorry that you found the music distracting. The transcript is always below the video if you need it, and we’ve recently added closed captioning. Just click the “CC” button at the bottom of the video.

  2. This was a well presented statement. I showed it to a relative that is a conservative, fundamentalist Southern Baptist minister.
    He still didn’t get it! His most pertinent comment was to say that God also is present in the hearts of those in his services. His next comment was to wonder if Quakers really were Christians.

    It has been very difficult for me to explain Quaker beliefs to non-Quakers, especially the more fundamental. It is easy to tell how we worship and the origin of those practices but harder to get across as to what we believe theologically.
    Many of these non-Quaker churches have completely codified creeds and look upon Quakerism, with our lack of same, as anarchy; one even referring to my liberal, programed meeting as the Church of Whatever.

    I could only reply that as for a being Christian is concerned, Quakers are lot like Baptists. Some of us are. May God forgive me!

  3. I wish there were a Friends group closer to Newport, or Lincoln City, Oregon. My husband is interested in learning about you.

    Still we will be looking further into your beliefs as tradional, ritualized churches and, now, evangelical ones do not meet our needs.

    Thank you for the information you share online. God be with you all.

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