Reducing Violence from Within: Finding Quakerism Through Incarceration

Khary Bekka comes from a religious family—his grandfather was a Baptist minister and his grandmother was a fervent Pentecostal. “So I was basically a church boy,” he recalls, “went to Sunday school and everything.” Shortly after turning 18, though, he participated in a gunfight where an innocent bystander was shot and killed. Khary received a sentence of 25 years to life, and his faith in God plummeted. 
Years later, while incarcerated, he was doing research for a book he planned to write about the Civil War, and the Quakers kept coming up in his reading. Curious, he began attending Quaker meetings at Sing Sing, and describes the feeling he got out of silent worship as like a battery pack being recharged.

7 thoughts on “Reducing Violence from Within: Finding Quakerism Through Incarceration

  1. Friend Bekka’s testimony brings a smile to my face and gratitude to my heart for his faithful practice and ability to communicate our experience with such joy and

  2. This was a lovely story. Each of us is unique, there is no “typical” Quaker. We ARE however all connected to one another and to EVERYONE else. No them, only US. Thank you for letting us know who YOU are. You are helping to complete the beautiful picture on the puzzle box.
    Mickey E.

  3. Reducing Violence from Within: Finding Quakerism Through Incarceration, recorded by Khary Bekka is one of my all time favorite Quaker Speaks. I watch every week. Thanks so much! Mary Beth Young – Twin Cities Friends Meeting, St. Paul, MN

  4. Thank you for your Spirit-guided work Khary and your heart felt telling about it. This moved me deeply and is an encouragement to stay connected to our kin who are incarcerated.

  5. Khary speaks my mind on why I’ve sought out Friends since coming home in May. God has drawn me hear, even though I don’t have the luxury of a local meeting. It’s inspiring to see another formerly Incarcerated man find what I felt I lost at times, The Spirit.

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