Quakers and the Inner Light

What is “the Light,” and why are Quakers so excited about it?

Jon Watts

Jon Watts launched and directed the QuakerSpeak project for its first 6 seasons. Keep up to date with Jon’s work at his website.

7 thoughts on “Quakers and the Inner Light

  1. I’ve bookmarked this, so that I’m ready to share it with others.
    This is the most touching, helpful resource I’ve found, pointing at the richness of our inner experience.
    A clear, simple explanation of something essentially beyond words that is at the core of a good life, as I understand it.

  2. Is it simpler than the scholars here make it? Is it as simple as us enjoying and feeling supported in a community of mostly friendship and feelings of safety? Do we need to immediately ascribe concepts of God to this? I feel it’s all the relative value of taking some time to perhaps meditate or at least slow down. No need to add God, let alone Christ.

  3. Would like to watch a full length motion picture on the life of George Fox and the primitive Quakers. Hasn’t the time come for it?

  4. A group of about a dozen of us who either attend meeting or have an interest in quaker values are meeting weekly to discuss ‘quaker spirituality’. This video is a recommended piece of this week’s discussion.
    An initial thought was that I was rather put off by the older folk telling me what god intended for me, but that quibble of mine was quickly put to rest by the younger folk’s energy and delight in telling what ‘the light’ meant in their daily lives.
    We all find strength in seeing that quaker spirituality covers a broad spectrum of interpretations. The fact that there is no ‘one size fits all’ here is, for me, one saving grace of the quaker life we aspire to lead.

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