Understanding Quaker Faith Through the Journal of George Fox

“I thought that to be a good Quaker I had to be A, B, C, D, and if I couldn’t do those things maybe I wasn’t a good Quaker,” Chris Stern says. Over the course of his spiritual journey, though, particularly through the example of George Fox, founder of the Religious Society of Friends, here’s what he’s learned: “It’s not up to me at all—my primary goal is to be open to being led by a power greater than myself.”

Sensing his spiritual confusion, Chris’ parents encouraged him to talk to a Friend who was studying the writings of the early Quakers. As they read Fox’s journals together, Chris saw in the 17th-century Englishman someone much like himself, “confused, hurt, unsure how to respond to the world around him.” Eventually, Fox heard directly from Spirit, and Chris found hope, and joy, in the message he received. “There is an experience that can come to us inwardly when we come to the end of our own resources and ask for help,” Chris says. “Christ can speak to us in the present day and the present moment and bring to us a message that is transformative and become a guide for us in our lives.”

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