How to Clerk a Quaker Business Meeting

Arthur Larrabee teaches a popular workshop on how to facilitate Quaker decision making. In this week’s video, we asked him what advice he has for future clerks.

Jon Watts

Jon Watts launched and directed the QuakerSpeak project for its first 6 seasons. Keep up to date with Jon’s work at his website.

3 thoughts on “How to Clerk a Quaker Business Meeting

  1. Thank you , Arthur. Our meeting has had a very much “cross to bear” issue in clerking and serving on committees. What a lovely reminder that such attitudes do not help us–and that the inspiration much be about joy in service.

  2. I’m leaving a comment here, because I heard Arthur Larrabee give an evening talk last night at Friends Seminary (10/27/16). Thank you, Arthur. I still hear one of your refrains: “Take off your sword, Arthur.”
    I loved your deeply personal stories and how you were able to convey the essence of Quakerism. I thought you courageous, in fact, to take your audience (most of whom were probably not Quakers) to the heart of Quakerism. I think, though, that your words will resonate with them in some unexpected way and perhaps open them up to a new way of being. Thanks again.
    Janet Soderberg, member of 15th St. Meeting.

  3. Thank you very much for sharing your valuable speech Arthur. I watched entire video. Today morning when i was surfing internet i got this website and they have developed technology which makes every meeting very productive. Just go through this link

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