How to Become a Member of a Quaker Meeting

Interested in joining a Quaker Meeting? Here’s how to become a member.

Find out about Quakers in PA, DE, NJ and MD.

Jon Watts

Jon Watts launched and directed the QuakerSpeak project for its first 6 seasons. Keep up to date with Jon’s work at his website.

7 thoughts on “How to Become a Member of a Quaker Meeting

  1. Quaker membership was originated in 1735 for one simple reason: To list which meeting was responsible for financial relief of individual Friends. It was NOT intended to be a label. Lately it seems that membership is presented as some type of identity badge. There really is NO basis for differentiating between members and attenders. Every meeting has a long list of “members” that don’t even show up and many “mere” attenders that actually contribute consistently. The member/attender construct is antiquated, but NOT traditional. Selling it this way is vain and superficial.

  2. This is a difficult subject, but I agree with Phil Newberry. I have written an article (available on request) on why I believe that the practice of membership is contrary to Quaker testimonies. I have also led an interest group at a recent FGC Gathering on this theme, which was mostly well-received. Although some Friends seem to derive great meaning from membership, I believe it is divisive, alienating, and unnecessary.

  3. I respectfully disagree with Phil Newberry & Joe Ossmann. I know this stance maybe divisive, but it certainly not meant to be alienating. That said, I would agree with Joe that membership is unnecessary (I just cannot see it as sufficient for being divisive or alienating). Happy to dialogue more on this topic in this forum.
    Greetings from West Australian Regional Meeting (WARM)

  4. I disagree with all of these people. There is absolutely no logical reason for me to profess anything or swear anything or to be committed in any long term way to a community. Quakers call themselves “friends” for a reason. Please understand that the beliefs in this video are the opposite of Quaker beliefs. You don’t “become” a Quaker… you just are one.

    1. In the U.S., Quaker membership comes with privileges like protection from the draft and not swearing in for court. Since there are no baptism records, typical of other faiths, there needs to be some way to identify participation.

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