How Do We Teach Quaker Worship to Kids?

Sitting in silent worship can be challenging even for adults. How do Quaker youth programs help children connect to Quaker spirituality through movement, play, and joyful creation?

Is QuakerSpeak worth $1 a video?

Jon Watts

Jon Watts launched and directed the QuakerSpeak project for its first 6 seasons. Keep up to date with Jon’s work at his website.

5 thoughts on “How Do We Teach Quaker Worship to Kids?

  1. The ideas presented here are all v very good. It would be nice, however, to have specific ideas for helping children to worship in Meeting. Children in meeting for worship are often restless and bothersome to other worshippers. They usually need something to “center” upon to make the
    worship experience worthwhile and something that they want to have for their whole lives.

  2. His last statement, ” I think we do ourselves a disservice if we forget the ways that the body is connected to the spirit.”, really spoke deeply to me. Thank You for bringing this point to light.

  3. As a 35+ year member of CPMM, I never thought I’d grow up to be the cliche “kids these days have no respect,” and I battle internally every time children run through the Meetinghouse before the rise of Meeting. Without detracting from the Divine joy those may find in young play and creativity, that play and creativity should not invade a gathered meeting. Children should be taught to respect what their parents are doing, and to respect the Meetinghouse.

  4. Perhaps visits to other monthly meetings would be helpful. I have seen interesting solutions to finding this balance in houses I have visited.

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