How Quakerism Influences My Medical Practice

Doctors and healthcare workers are currently on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic. In a 2019 interview, Penny Thron-Weber explains how her Quaker faith allows her to better connect with her patients.

When asked how coronavirus is affecting her today, Penny replied:

“For some reason the universe keeps asking me to learn more about holding diametrically opposed perspectives at the same time. With Covid 19 the challenge is to acknowledge the risk of this virus and take appropriate precautions both in my home and medical life, while at the same time feeling acutely and trying to respond to the very human need for connection whether it be my patients or my community. What risks do I take in order to express my deep caring? What precautions do I take in order to keep myself and those I care about alive and well?

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4 thoughts on “How Quakerism Influences My Medical Practice

  1. Quakerism is Fox. Unequivocally. From a humble, modest black Q in racist Richmond Va.working as a black anti-racist (pro-peace) advocate / organizer @ Richmond Friends Meeting in reactionary, republican, red-neck, right-wing, rebel Richmond, Va.

  2. i agree with St. Clair Allman Quakerism is Fox who was a peacemaker instead of a war budget. Fox did like the Bible so the Holy Spirit was very near. Every church meeting etc. has a social status teacher or is a person who rejects the Holy Spirit and becomes a social parasite, Elizabeth a Quaker aristocrat said there is always social structure around but bigots do not serve the Gospel. The book of John the beloved disciple of Jesus brings people and seekers must closer to the Holy Spirit
    and the Kingdom of Heaven.

  3. Dear friends,

    I am going on the way to find the truth. And now I think, the quäker theologic is my way. I hope that will be the truth. I read the Zeitschrift der Quäker.
    Excuse my bad Englisch. I am a German. I will learn English with the Quäker-Videos. And I hope, thatś a good idea.

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